Hospitals keep getting stretched to the max
USA rushes towards 100K hospitalizations as new cases keep surging, a certain politician wants credit for any COVID-19 vaccine, and nurses, others desperate for more masks, gowns and gloves.
A quick look at stories that matter today, in addition to the CDC vaccine practice recommendations that were the topic of a key meeting today. FDA review of the Pfizer vaccine is scheduled for Dec. 10. Officials and healthcare providers everywhere are struggling to decide how to prioritize who gets the vaccine -- within each broad priority group established by the federal framework.
FDA review of the Pfizer vaccine is scheduled for Dec. 10. The White House is hosting about 20 holiday parties and has invited vaccine makers, pharmacy execs, state government officials and others to a “vaccine summit”on Dec. 8.
Meantime, the reality in nearly every corner of the USA is that it’s going to be a sad Christmas in many homes across the country.
Hospitals, nursing homes, homeless shelters, schools and many other organizations continue to struggle obtaining sufficient supplies of personal protective equipment. STATNews reports how unofficial networks are doing their best to help. With the worsening surge, this need is getting worse.
A CDC-led study of stored blood samples indicates that the novel coronavirus was circulating in the USA in mid-December. The first specific case that was identified was diagnosed on January 21, but this study found blood samples from Oregon, Washington and California with COVID-19 biomarkers as early as December 13 and from Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin in early January.
Disinformation and misinformation are an increasingly dangerous side-effect of COVID-19, according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
For a heart-wrenching depiction of how inconsistent COVID-19 policies from one state to another affect real people, read this excellent report by ProPublica.
Please keep your space safe. As the health department in Bermuda says, “Practice Safe Six.”